My Scrap Space

My Scrap Space

Monday, May 11, 2009

A Tribute to the Women Who Matter Most in My Life...

I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day. I didn't get a chance to get on the computer yesterday so I am doing my "Mother's Day" post today:) I just want to say how very thankful I am for my mom and my sister. The two most important women in my life.

I have such great admiration for my mother. She raised us by herself, sacrificed so much and pretty much taught me everything I know. I think my mother has to be one of the strongest women I know. She taught me that anything is possible and that you don't need a man to do it.
My mother has always stood by me, supported every decision I have ever made (even when they weren't the best ones) and always listened to me. My mother is one of my best friends and I am forever and eternally grateful for all that she has ever done for me.
My sister is my other half (that's what my mom always says;). We talk pretty much 24/7. On the phone, on the computer, in person, on the phone WHILE we are on the computer. We talk about EVERYTHING. I don't think two people could be any closer. It's almost like we are the same person...LOL And regardless of how much or how often we talk, we never run out of something to say...and if we do, then we just stay on the phone and listen to each other breathe and yell at the kids until we think of something else to say...ha ha ha...No one knows me like my sister. No one "gets me" like my sister. When we are together there is a lot of laughing involved...oh, and more talking...and then more laughing. Then we take out the camera and take silly pics and laugh a whole lot more;) I don't know what I'd do without her and I hope I never have to find out.

So on the day AFTER Mother's Day;)...I just want to say "thank you" to them both for all that they are to me. I hope that yesterday was a good day for them both:)

So that being Mother's Day kind of started off early for me. Saturday after Steve got off of work, he took me out to eat dinner at my fave Chinese place. Afterwards he took me to Michael's ISO of the new K&Co. Greenhouse line. Found it (thanks to Lal;) and bought some of it. Also got my MM desktop carousel with a 40% off coupon. I also got a new outfit to wear and this LARGE collage frame I wanted for our living room. We also stopped for ice cream at Baskin Robbins on our way home.
Sunday I got to sleep in until almost 9am. Yay!!! I got lots of nice cards. V had been giving me cards since last week and on Sunday she gave me like 3 more. She must REALLY love me;) Mattie's card had $5 in it. So sweet.. and Steve gave me $50 in my card to spend. Here's a couple of pics from the morning before we headed out...
We went out to breakfast then I went by my mom's to drop off Lal and my mom's card. My mom was not there:( She was off visiting my grandma. But I got to spend last Friday with her, so that was nice:)

We went by Steve's parents and took them out to lunch. Dropped them back off , then did a little more M's shopping. Didn't pick up much. Just a few things...The Recollections felt trims and those most adorable little owls for only $1 pack.

We took in a movie. Finally got to see the new Matthew McConaughey movie. It was really good.

One more quick shopping trip to J's before we headed back towards home. The Sizzix die, fat quarter, stamp and mag in the above pic:) The die was on clearance for only $5.97. They had lots of others. Some were $7.97 or something like that, but those were Bigz dies and some were those long like border strips and the Sizzlits strip sets.

Stopped at Culver's and had dinner, then came home. Did a few chores, got the kids in bed and then Steve and I watched a movie; The Reader. It was also a really good movie. A little long, but good still.
Today I got all my cleaning done early then did my grocery shopping after I picked up V from school and before I had to pick up Mattie from tutoring. I got Squirt a new tank cover so I refilled his tank, changed his filter and put the new cover on. We seriously need to set this poor turtle free cause the kids do NOT pay any attention to that poor thing. He deserves to be FREE!!!...;)
Hopefully I'll get some scrapping done tomorrow. I have some pics to "play" with and quite a few new goodies. I did a little photo shoot with Mattie yesterday morning. I'll post those pics later cause I'm having one heck of a time putting pics into my post.
Off to do a little internet surfing and check on my fave scrappy sites. Ta!!! ;)


Ginajam said... guys look so cute! Hope you had a nice Mother's day. Looks like you found some good deals, as always!

Michelle said...

OMG! You did the whole rounds! LUCKY! It definitely sounds like you got a lot of shopping fun :D