My Scrap Space

My Scrap Space

Friday, January 9, 2009

Super Fun Shopping Day...

Yesterday I'd talked to Lal about possibly going to the newer M's today, but she didn't want to go:( So I was planning on just chillin' out at home today. I dropped off the kids, came home and did a few chores, then I sat down to read a chapter in New Moon. I started reading last night; just read to chapter 3. So as I am reading, Lal calls and says she wants to go, so I get up and finish my chores up super fast and get ready and have my breakfast.

I left the house about 9 and met up with Lal a short while after. So we drove out to the M's. We found everything that we'd been looking for there. Woo hoo!!!
I'd SO been wanting the new Colorbok Friendly Forest that M's is now carrying ever since I saw it on the site. I'd already hit two stores looking for it with no luck. I KNEW this store would have it so that's why I wanted to go.
For locals who have not been, the M's off 1604/Culebra is a totally cool, revamped store. HUGE sb selection;)
So paper pads are 1/2 off and the pad was $12.99, so that would come out to only $6.50. The pad has 4 of each of 10 patterns so Lal bought it and was super kind and split it with me:) I also bought the journaling cards (only $2.99). TOO stinkin' cute...and the 12x12 die cut pack. I'm not crazy about that ginormous squirrel...can't imagine what anyone would do with that...but the rest of the papers are way cute. That pack was $4.99 (not on sale:(

Here's a pic of the other goodies I got. They have this new MM exclusive line; Chloe's Closet. I got the paper pack (also not half off, but I used a 40% off coupon;), the smaller pack that included some diecut sheets ($4.99 or $5.99...can't remember), the journaling spiral ($4.99) and the jouranling stickers were $1.99. Lal bought me those. Muchas gracias;) I also got a pack of these super cute little birds by Prima. They were $1.99 I believe. These are going to go great with that new Prima pad I just got there last week.

They had LOTS of new, uber cool Prima goodies. It was SO hard to decided what to get. I just wanted it all. They also had another new MM line. Pinks and black...can't remember what it was called though:(...Lal??? It might be up on the site.

Also in the above pic are some cute little journaling diecuts I bought at T's. We went there after M's. They are Marcella by Kay. There were 10 of each one, so I split the pack with Lal.

Yesterday I ordered the new DCWV Green Stack from J's. Got a tip off from that it was finally up online cause it hadn't been even though some people were finding the pad in their stores...not here though. Or at least not the small J's in town. I was going to hit the big store up tomorrow, but I just went ahead and ordered it online and saved myself the trip of going out there...and possibly not finding it. Besides the 12x12 pad, I also ordered the chipboards. Both were 40% off, so not a bad deal. Plus shipping only cost me $2.95;) So I can't wait for that to come in.

After M's and T's, Lal treated me to lunch and a most yummy dessert at Chik-fil-A down the street then we headed back to my house. I worked on and pretty much finished my mini album I was working on. I have one last thing to add (some ribbons on the bookrings) and I am done. Gonna do this tomorrow, then I'll take some pics and update.

My neighbor, Ruby also came by and brought the baby. Lal and I took advantage of the op and took lots of pics to make LOs and surprise Ruby with. I already have a LO in mind:) Ruby dropped her off while she ran a super quick errand up the street, so she'll really be surprised when she finds out what we did;)

After we picked up both kids, I headed to my mom's to drop off Lal. My mom ordered pizza from Domino's so we ate dinner there. Thank you, Mommy. Saved me the trouble of making dinner tonight;)

Well, I am off for the night. Gonna go read a bit more. I am SO glad it's Friday. Even though the week went by rather quickly, I am so ready to take a little "break"; sleep in a little later and just chill:) Have a good night everyone.


Lal said...

Chon and Lal's Day of Fun!! Get it? Like on Friends...Joey and Janice's Day of Fun! LOL :D It "was" a fun day...we don't get to do that often enough. We need to plan Scrapapalooza 2 SOON!

Ginajam said...

Ok...seriously...I gotta send you some $$$ so you can buy me some of the same stuff that you keep finding. I LOVE the squirly paper and that other paper next to it. Who makes it? I would love to get my hands on some of that!!