My Scrap Space

My Scrap Space

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

ABC's of Me...

Something cute I found on a friend's blog:

♥A is for age: I'll be 37 on the 25th of this month
♥B is for beverage of choice: water
♥C is for career right now: SAHM which translates to chauffer, maid, cook, etc. etc.
♥D is for your dog's name: no dog
♥E is for essential item you use everyday: computer
♥F is for favorite TV show: The Hills
♥G is for favorite game to watch: not much of a sports fan
♥H is for Home town: SA, TX
♥I is for instruments you play:the keyboard that is;)
♥J is for favorite juice: can't drink it anymore:(
♥K is for a favorite keepsake: scrapbooks
♥L is for last place you ate at: Bill Miller's
♥M is for marriage: 8 years
♥N is for your name: Esmeralda
♥O is for overnight hospital stay: giving birth
♥P is for people you were with today: just the kids
♥Q is for what's your best quality: my sense of humor;)
♥R is for what are you currently reading: still in the process of reading Eat, Pray, Love
♥S is for relationship status: married
♥U is for the type of underwear you have on: grey boy brief undies
♥V is for vegetable you love: zucchini
♥W is for worst habits: letting my fears get the best of me
♥X is for x-rays you've had recently: none
♥Y is for something candy: Snickers
♥Z is for favorite zoo animal: lions

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