My Scrap Space

My Scrap Space

Sunday, September 21, 2008

What's Going On in My Life...

So I'd been having some trouble with my truck. I finally took it in this morning to Pep Boys down the street. $300 is what it's going to cost me. I sure hope this is going to remedy the problem or else I'm in the hole some more:( If I have to replace the transmission, I'm looking at about $1500!!! Sooo sad:( I'm hoping I won't have to go there. Keeping my fingers crossed.

So we did that this morning then went out to breakfast. Killed some time window shopping in some stores, then called to see if the truck was ready. I dropped it off at 10am and they told me it would take 3 hours. I called back a little before 1pm and they told me it would still be a couple of hours. They said they had to let it cool off before they could work on it, so I'm looking at more like 3-3:30pm. So I'm sitting here at home waiting for the call...

I called my BFF and he's supposed to come by the house and flush the radiator. He said not to pay to have it done cause he can do it himself. It's times like this I wish I was married to a mechanic:(

So yesterday was the 911 sale. Steve took the day off. He went and dropped V off with my MIL and Mattie had stayed at my mom's on Friday cause Mark was picking him up Saturday to take him shopping for some jeans. We got there about 9am and we were like the 9th person in line. I was pretty psyched about that. I was disappointed with the actual sale though cause I really didn't get much at all. This is all I got:

Oh, and Steve bought this like office metal paper tray thingie for $1.

Afterwards I went to Scrapbook Cottage cause Gina told me they were having a storewide sale; 35% off!!! Thanks SO much for the tip, Gina:) This is what I got there:

I just LOVE the Lil' Davis Halloween stuff. I think I officially have WAY too much Halloween stuff:)

Friday I spent the day with my mom. We had gone by this one yard sale by my house and I saw this really nice, large frame that I wanted. I want to make a frame wall in my living room. I got the idea off this one woman's blog...

So anyway, it was a pretty cool frame (although afterwards my mom pointed out that is was coming apart on one edge). The lady wanted $20 for it. OMG!!! I would not pay $20 for a frame minus the glass and backing at a yard sale for $20. So I passed on it.

After SB Cottage yesterday I went by HL and low and behold as we were walking out they had frames up against the building outside and I got 3 frames for only $2 each!!! Woo hoo!!! I was SO happy and excited:) I can't wait to find some more and cut my wall together:)

Also hit BL yesterday. Came out with these (thanks to a tip from an neighbor:):

Everything was only $1!!! Then I had to stop in at SB Heaven since I was already right there:

I am really impressed with SB Heaven as of late. I never liked that store much cause the people there were not so friendly or knowledgeable and they never really had the new/current stuff in, but since the new owner took over, it's a whole other store literally. The girls are so nice and know what I'm talking about:) and everytime I go in there, there's quite a few new lines. I'm really loving it and it's kind of dangerous that it's so close (despite the upcoming move:)

That's all I have to share for now. Hope everyone has a great start to a new week:)

1 comment:

Ginajam said... did pretty good everywhere you went (minus the garage sale, I guess). That's too bad you didn't find very much there! I have yet to stop at a BL and look for some deals. Lots of fun stuff to play with!