My Scrap Space

My Scrap Space

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

My second post of the day:) I did a little shopping this evening once again. I had been cooped up in the house for the last three days with this rain and all. We finally got out for a while when hubby got home from work. I found some cute things at Target and on clearance for 50% off. What more could you ask for??? :)

I picked up the smaller paper pads in hopes of doing some smaller projects like some mini albums and such. I am currently working on a little something for my sis cause she kept buggin' me to "make her something":) So I am, Lal:) And in working on this today, I realized that I don't have a whole lot of pics of me and my sis together. I guess since we are always the ones behind the camera, we just don't get too many pics with us in them. I think we definately need to plan our own little photo shoot next time we get together;)

Another find for today...CHOCOLATE bubble gum!!! This stuff is delcious. I found it while waiting in the checkout line at Target. Yuuuuummmmy:)


Lal said...

I haven't found anything that good at any of the Targets I've been to :( Do share :)

Tammy said...

OO chocolate gum? Can life get any better?

Jane Ettia Jones said...

Target wow, I wish our Target here had awesome stuff like that and gosh 50% off too.....okay why didn't anyone tell me that we were going shopping

Lal said...

Okay, I bought that chocolate gum the other day and let me just say that some things are NOT meant to be chocolate and GUM is one of them!! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE chocolate, but that gum was just NAAASSSTTTYYY!! It was TOOO chocolatey or something! I immediately spit it out!! BLAHH!!! LOL :)